DAY IS DONE An Anthem for the living

Music is about communicating emotion from one person’s heart to another person’s soul and this rendition of the musical prayer “taps” is meant to do just that. However, this re-composition of the homage is intended more as an anthem for the living – those men and women who are or have served our nation in uniform to protect our freedom. 

This composition was first performed as part of a patriotic prism concert produced by the Canandaigua Academy Music Department entitled “Passing the Torch of Freedom” April 25, 2008 at the River Oak Church in Chesapeake Virginia. 

The transitional material for that program consisted of excerpts of audio interviews from the WHOR radio special, Hampton Roads Heroes, produced by Michelle Gabrielle-Harrell.”  The words of WWII Veteran Colonel Edward Shames of 3rd Platoon Easy Company (the subject of the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers) provide a poignant reflection on his commitment to his men as they prepared to stand up for OUR Freedom. 

I would like to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of my Flowers for Algernon CD, Eventual Downloads of this song, and the Jazz Ensemble arrangement to my local DAR. Chapter. I will let you know how that is going soon! 

Tom Davis

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